Wednesday 15 July 2015

Sleeping away

"And miles to go before I sleep,and miles to go before I sleep.."

When I was in class 10,we had this poem in our syllabus.I wasn't much of a poetry fanatic at that time,little details,hidden meanings didn't interest me.But those were the things that attracted the examiners and we would have to learn an entire summary on why did the poet write these exact lines.Not that I cared,but these lines affected me deeply.more than anything else.Sleep in the sense slumber and sleep in the sense the eternal sleep-death.Poets are geniuses,they play with words,they play with minds,I don't understand why poetry is still so underrated when it can make a greater impact on someone's mind,it can leave you bedazzled forever.But what do we know of the ways of men and women?

Anyways,as I was saying,these lines are the world's best lines according to me.And they mean so much right now when I am about to sit for my placements,a crucial episode of my life,a new beginning.I spent the last two months sitting infront of the laptop screen,solving problems.I started writing this blog and I also finished a couple of great books.And now when the time draws to an end,I realize there are miles to go before I sleep.I haven't slept much since a long time.All those untraveled miles have kept me awake.There is so much to do and so little time left.Sometimes,I think of my childhood when the holidays meant endless games and long siestas.I had dreams of colouring the world with my little hands and I had so much time.I spent all the time playing and playing.But,I have no time now.Time is scarce and this is the time I have to change the world.I wish  I could go back and bring me some more time but this is what I have now.So many miles and no sleep.Maa always tells me that one day,I'll have plenty of time to rest my legs.I keep believing her like deluded child hoping that day will soon come,but as the time flies past me,I keep getting busier and more thoughtful.There are times I don't want to grow old,as I feel myself being dragged into more responsibilities,but what choice do I have?I keep molding myself with the waves of changes and the more I change,the more I feel being plunged into some darkness.Sleep,that's something I need.And it keeps getting out of my hands and I wait for my eyes to close at the end of the day.

Don't you feel like you have spent a lot of time running?You have run madly for something but the only thing that mattered the most was a nice sleep under the warmth of blankets,as you shut your eyes,you shut your mind to the rest of the world and you slip into some deep abyss from where you never want to come out-sounds just like death.

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