Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Lies of Religion

It was one night in 2008 when Lashkar-e-Toiba militants attacked the city of Mumbai killing over hundreds of people including foreigners.2008 had been a very ominous year in the history of India as we observed several bomb blasts in big cities like Hyderabad and Jaipur.And it ended with the 26/11 terrorist attacks.The 4 days of fight between the terrorists and the protectors of this country was extensively covered by each and every news channel.The journalists lay on the roads night after the night observing the jawans tackle the terrorists bringing them down one by own.The entire nation watched with their heaving chests and we prayed everyday for new people to be rescued.The pictures that resurfaced everyday-dead bodies strewn around everywhere,jawans being killed,the walls of Nariman House holed with bullets,the blood and the gore of the entire massacre kept me awake everyday.I was a teenager then,I often questioned my parents why are people killing other people like this?What will they gain?But today I have known the ways of the world,who our humanity actually serves-religion.

I believe in God,but I am not religious.My friend said once, that,it doesn't matter whose god is better,it was this belief in god that created this eternal damage in the first place.I believe in God as a omnipotent entity which controls the world,God is the entire universe,the nature,the very air we breath and the water we drink,he brings us to the world and takes us back when the time comes.But this God has nothing to do with the rules of the society.Men are to be blamed for their own lunacy when they invented religion to prove their allegiance to a certain set of beliefs,there were men like Jesus,Muhammad,Krishna,Mahavir,Buddha and Nanak who poisoned the souls of men with their preachings and blatant lies about being the representative of the Almighty,human beings fell prey to their lies and today we are divided by religion.My religion is not better than yours,it's a lie that I live everyday,it's a false sense of security that I dwell in everyday when I fall down and pray to some stone idol to make my life better when it had already caused so much trouble in this world.Religion has been brainwashing the poor and the rich since centuries,while the rich donate money to temples for more money,the poor stand outside the gates of temple hoping to get one view of their beloved God.They believe that God can make them rich but I don't know what to say,this God cannot make you better,only you can make yourself better with the fruits of your own labour.

Think about the amount of hatred the entire world has towards others' religion,we do not leave a chance to point our fingers towards another's religion because we think there is no flaw in ours.But there is,every religion is flawed and unless every religion that ever walked the face of earth vanishes,humanity is doomed.Religion has given us the authority to kill for pleasure,to prove that what I believe in is right.Religion has no scientific grounds,it only has some laws and rules and if you have read the history my dear,religion was never created with any kind of allegiance to any God.We all worship the same God,it's just our beliefs are hugely manipulated and misguided by some shrewd idiot who wrote down his own doctrines in some book.If there was no religion,there would be no ISIS,there would not be two nations like India and Pakistan,there would be no children of Syria living in the fear of death everyday,there would be no Dadri lynching.

Today we think we are modern since we use the latest technologies,but,we cannot tolerate a single word that questions my religion.Religion is man's creation and with every passing day,this world is getting more and more dangerous to live in.The Christians want to dominate the Muslims,and the Muslims want to regain authority.If you look at the faces of people,you will realize how tired they are of this religion.People want food and shelter,they don't care how others live,what they believe in,today religion is a lost cause to fight for.But still there is section of people who is waging war in the name of religion,slaughtering innocents who have no belief in their own religion let alone the others' religion.I am seeing young minds being darkened by bullets and guns,their hands getting ready to touch someone's blood instead of holding the pen and the book.Education is important,science is the only thing that can make us believe that religion doesn't always tell the truth.

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