Monday 1 June 2015

Burn your egos

With feminist articles flooding the internet,it has resulted in an utterly ridiculous outcome -hurting of male ego.Since when did feminism become equivalent to women dominating men? or is it some kind of an illusion that some men dwell in?In recent times,whenever there is an article that shows the veracious side of gender discrimination in our society and all over the world,there are a group of men who post hateful comments calling feminists "feminazis",a term that is extremely disgraceful.Well,obviously they aren't aware of certain situations since they live in the cocoon of modernization where they see women as independent and self-efficient.They have to abide by stringent laws that have been imposed since the 2012 gang rape case.But they have not viewed the picture of rural India where girls are forcefully married off at a tender age,where little girls are abducted and sold in the prostitution market,where female infanticide still happens,where girls are not allowed to go to school.There is a difference between yelling feminism and truly believing in its necessity.Feminism is not really a term that was invented to dominate men or to hurt their egos,it demands equality of women everyday in every spectrum.It doesn't speak of women who hate men,it speaks of women who still live in the darkness and they need feminism to live,mark my words "live". It's not really about women who sit in the AC classrooms and discuss about heavy terms like "misogyny" and "gender sensitization",it's about women who are hiding behind the veil of humanity and they need the help of feminism to give their lives a second chance.It's a game of fate and luck where some daughters are getting pampered like princesses while some are being thrown off as waste materials.There are numerous instances of sexual violences that have been observed.I was reading about a girl in UP who was raped multiple times by her own father and brother.Her mother knew about all this but she had to keep mum because of social pressure.The panchayat was of no use as they branded her as a whore.She finally fled from home and sought help from the chief minister,Akhilesh Yadav at his Janata Darvar.Her father and brother were finally put behind bars and she leads her life on her own now.Incest rapes are very common in rural India mainly because of accommodation problems.Girls and boys live in the same room,other than that the women are tortured everyday by the males as women are considered a weaker sex in those parts.Women in Haryana villages are not even allowed to walk beside their husbands.They should always walk behind them.The men consider carrying children and doing household jobs as low-end jobs which should only be done by the women.A few months ago,I read an article where some women in MP had died due to infectious sterilization.According to doctors,female sterilization is a hugely complex process while male vasectomy is a comparatively easier process.But it is not done in the village hospitals since it deprives a man of his manhood.If you want to look at the clearer picture here is an instance from the Huffington Post:

"Way back in 1986, Noble Laureate Dr. Amartya Sen first used his research to draw attention to the vast divergence in India's natural gender ratio. Where the average male to female ratio in most human populations (where both sexes receive equal care) is about 100:105, Sen, using assessments from the census data, estimated that India was "missing" about 37 million women. They should have been in the population but could not be accounted for. By 2005, almost 20 years since Sen's first alarm, the International Herald Tribune reported that 50 million women were "missing" from India's population. If we extrapolate the census data to create an ideal scenario of gender equity in today's time, India needs to account for 60-70 million missing women. The figure doesn't stand for anything less than genocide."

So,men who still consider feminism as some weapon to hurt their ego,they should be well aware of the situation in our country before they lambaste women in social networking sites calling everything “a shajano ghotona” (false incident) like stubborn idiots.There were men like Vidyasagar and Raja Ram Mohan Roy in the 18th century who had fought for women education,Vidyasagar was a brahmin but dared to defy the age-old Hindu traditions like sati and child marriage,he fought for widow remarriage and himself got his son married to a widow.If he could live with such a progressive mindset with zero ego,what is wrong today’s males?Just  a few days ago,I was reading about a man named Arunachalam Muruganantham who makes cheap sanitary napkins so that women in the villages can menstruate in peace.There is a village in Rajasthan where trees are planted after a girl child is born.India is a land of anomalies indeed.Just a few days ago,a woman was bullied in the internet by a man who questioned her whether she has  genitals .She took a screen-shot of the message and posted it on facebook.To my utter shock,there were some men who considered it an exaggeration of something very minuscule.The thing is- nothing’s minuscule.Every time,a woman is harassed,our country moves a step backwards.If you want to eradicate sexual violence,you need to start from the root.

Well,if you choose to mock feminism because of a much overrated and wrongly implemented “My Choice” video starring the poster girl,Deepika Padukone,your mindset hasn’t really changed.I went to my father’s ancestral village a few days ago.The people there asked me why am I still studying?I should be married and having kids by this time.I was stunned by their words.So,guys this is why we need feminism.To ensure that women get right education and their lives are not bound by the shackles of social evils anymore.India is developing but with such a huge population living in the darkness,we surely can’t hope to proceed.I am not trying to sound too raucous,but the truth is male chauvinism still exists.I am not any feminazi but just a fellow human being who wants us to forget the disparities between our genders and strive for a better future.

1 comment:

  1. I just loved your post!!! It is very true that the main problem is not gender discrimination. It is our narrow and back dated mentality.
    Finally glad to find someone with whom my mentality matched.....KEEP IT UP!!! BRING THE CHANGE!!! I AM WITH YOU!!!!
